Win, Place, or Show,
CEO is the place to go!


Please note that we provide entries, overnights, and results for sanctioned and non-sanctioned races held in Virginia and for non-sanctioned races held elsewhere. For full information on sanctioned races please go to The National Steeplechase Association.

Select a Season:


Meets for the current season are shown 2 weeks before they open for online entries.
Green text in the Date Column indicates the date entries open; red text indicates the date entries close.
Meet names in green are currently taking entries. Click on the meet name to go to the entry page.

Meet Date
3/16/25 1:00 PM
The Foxhall Farm Cup Team Chase
3/5/25 12:00 PM
3/15/25 12:00 PM
Warrenton Hunt Point to Point
3/5/25 12:00 PM
3/1/25 12:00 PM
2/24/25 11:00 AM

Overnights & Results

If the Status for a meet is "Overnight," clicking on the meet name will open the overnight in a new tab.
If the Status is "Results," clicking on the meet name will open a page where you can view the Results, and access the Overnight, Pictures, and Articles.

Meet Date

There are no meets available for 2025.